

Environmental Alert in partnership with the World Wide Fund for nature – Uganda Country Office is implementing a new project titled, ‘Increasing access to sustainable and renewable energy alternatives in the Albertine Graben.’ This is a 4 years project (2017-2020) with financial support from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). Over the 4 year period, the project will have interventions implemented at national, sub-national and local levels to advance increased access to sustainable and renewable energy alternatives in the Albertine Graben. This will be through action research, targeted awareness and policy dialogues.

Project Goal

The goal of the project is, ‘Communities living in the Albertine Graben have adopted sustainable and renewable energy alternatives to reduce dependency on biomass for their energy needs.’

Project Outcomes

The project aims to achieve the goal by contributing to three outcomes. These are:

  1. Civil society in partnership with other agents of change is transforming government and private sector decisions and practices towards sustainable and renewable energy development to the benefit of women, men and youth.
  2. Government, private sector, civil society actors and local communities have adopted effective strategies and practices that support sustainable and renewable energy access in Albertine Graben.
  3. Government and private sector have put in place an enabling framework that supports increased financing/ investment for sustainable and renewable energy development.

 Targeted beneficiary groups

The target is 20 Civil society organizations and networks at national level and 3 sub-regional hubs  involved in the promotion of sustainable and renewable energy as well as addressing issues that interlinked with or rooted in poor access to sustainable, clean and affordable energy among communities.


Increasing Financing and Investments for Clean and Renewable Energy Access in Uganda; Policy and Practice Recommendations for Implementation at National and Local levels.


The Energy Week is an annual energy awareness event organized by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD) and Partners. It’s an annual awareness campaign that is aimed at sensitizing the public about efficient utilization of energy and alternative modern forms of clean energy. The theme for this year’s energy week is: “Energy and minerals, the drivers for Uganda’s Economic Transformation’’.

Environmental Alert with support from World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-UCO) has partnered with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development to support some of the activities in the energy week.

The Overall objective of the Energy week is to facilitate the exchange of ideas and discussions on pertinent energy related issues, and engage stakeholders in the energy sector on matters of efficiency and sustainability.

The Specific objectives are:

  1. To disseminate information on the sustainable management of energy and mineral resources;
  2. To create awareness of the opportunities in the energy and mineral sectors;
  3. To promote the private sector’s involvement in the development of the energy and minerals sector;
  4. To support private sector in the sale and marketing of technologies related to energy and mineral.


The Energy week radio talk show

  1. Radio Talkshow on KFM

Spot Messages (Energy week moments)

  1. Energy week moment 1;
  2. Energy week moment 2;
  3. Energy week moment 3;
  4. Energy week moment 4.